You have the agency to create new neural networks, fresh heart connections and wild becomings. I am dedicated to deeply listening and conversing with clients who are interested in this kind of exploration around becoming. And to my own unfolding in this process!
Equitable Economics
We have let the soul of culture become a satellite to economics. Wouldn’t it be something if we could now become a world where economics is a satellite to the soul of our culture! My intention is to explore options in my own life to create more equity. Take a look and see what you think.
Working together
I believe well-being resides at the intersection of independence and interdependence. I offer a warm and open space for you to reawaken wonder, cultivate presence and engage in practices that will deepen and enhance your life and the world around you. You matter. Yes YOU.
My Writings
I’m an incessant reader; books are in the best friend category. I’m also a wonderer and question the cultural paradigms. I’m especially drawn to spiritual writings, poetry, well-being and social justice. I believe we need each other. I love it when my words ignite wonder in others. Check it out.
“I had tried therapy several times over the years, but my experience with each therapist were extremely disappointing. So I gave up on the therapy route for years. Recently however, out of desperation, I took a friends strong recommendation and began mentoring with Carol. Carol has been a breath of fresh air and fresh hope. She is the first person I’ve spoken with that I trusted with my deepest fears and concerns.
First, she met me right where I was at. Second, I love that she did not waste time and energy. She got straight to the heart of my matters. I personally appreciate that we don’t do a lot of dwelling and digging into the past, and we don’t look too far into the future.
Each time we meet she gracefully and gently guides me to being grounded and calm. She has shifted my perspective, lovingly pointed out blocks that are just outdated belief systems. In turn leaving me feeling a big sense of relief. I leave each of my sessions with tools I didn’t know I didn’t have but was in dire need of. With these tools transformation has begun in my most treasured relationships. I’m now moving forward with my life’s work where I had been so stuck. I can’t explain how great the feeling of “unstuck” is! I could not be more grateful for this support from Carol as I navigate beginning menopause, unexpected health issues, extreme anxiety, empty nesting, and some deep grief.
I have learned I am not a victim of circumstances. I have learned I am not helpless. None of my “issues” feel crushing now. She has shown me new paths to walk forward on. I am learning what it is to feel empowered. I am finding peace. I am taking better care of myself. And I continue this work because, much to my surprise, it’s been extremely effective. In fact, because of how powerful the results are, I believe with all my heart Carol was gifted to me directly from my Higher Power.” ”
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