Equitable Economics
My thoughts on money and payment.
I’ve struggled with how much to charge in the past, not valuing myself and what I offer, and feeling “off” about charging each person, regardless of circumstance, the same fee. I don’t believe the story that if my services are more expensive it means I must be the “best” at what I do. Money is often not the most accurate marker of the true cost or value of resources.
My worth isn’t a dollar sign. Yours isn’t either. Those are traps that create more separation.
I am working on creating a power-with world.
Which means questioning the norms and creating new systems.
Thinking outside the box.
In general life-coaching fees with professionals usually vary between $75.00-200.00 a session.
My coaching fees are an attempt, however small, to acknowledge that we live in a culture that doesn’t have a sense of equity when it comes to economics. There is a big gap between the haves and have not’s as far as wealth goes.
In service to these thoughts. I’ve written something to give you guidance. To help you find your economic place.
The below “cups” are a framework.
You may answer yes to something in all three categories. Go with the one that you have the most in common with. You may fall in between the cracks. Your life may be more complicated than this. Do your best. There is no right or wrong. No judge or jury. I will graciously accept what you pay. Lean in. Listen to the facts and your heart.
These prices are for Individual Coaching Sessions. program pricing is below:
Your cup is FULL: You may own your home. You are salaried or you make over $35.00 an hour. If you are retired you have a pension or a solid retirement fund. You may travel long distances regularly. You may have a three to six month safety net saved. You may have debt but that debt comes from choices in investing in yourself or family members. You have extra at the end of the month $80.00-$125.00.
Your cup is OVERFLOWING: You own more than one piece of property (commercial or private). You likely have or will inherit family wealth. You can travel overseas and you do so. You may take more than one or two breaks/vacations/retreats a year. You dine out regularly or you could. You hire others to take care of some of your needs (house cleaner, gardener, virtual assistant, accountants etc). You have wealth and income. (retirement income counts). $130.00-175.00
Your cup is LOW: You live off of what you make. You may or may not have a three month savings for emergencies. You haven't accrued a lot of wealth. You may be a single parent. You may not own a home. You are employed or retired. You may work more than forty hours (nonsalaried) a week, or more than one job. You may be under 30. You may have debt due to education, healthcare, family responsibilities etc. You’ve been significantly impacted by COVID-19 $45.00-$75.00
Liberating Well-Being 9 Week Offering individual Mentoring on Zoom or Phone
Your cup is FULL: $997.00-$1,597.00
Your cup is OVERFLOWING: $1,700.00-$2,397.00
Your cup is LOW: $597.00-$897.00
Small Group Mentoring, Liberating Well-Being Online Program (includes three individual sessions)
Your cup is FULL: $717.00-$1,297.00
Your cup is OVERFLOWING: $1,300.00-$1997.00
Your cup is LOW: $497.00-$697.00
The group classes run if there are four or more people signed up.
Questions. Feel free to reach out. Thank you!
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“Carol is a breath of fresh air and my safe place. She has been instrumental in my personal growth. She is “with it and upbeat” and has been a blessing to me. I so enjoy communicating and problem solving with an educated authentic professional. I really enjoy our laughter, as they say: Laughter is the best medicine.”