A Hair's Breadth
Sending care your way. Lots of it.
May you feel nourished by the love you give and receive, offer and share, in these times.
I’ve been in a deep process, as you might imagine.
Lots of challenges, unraveling the trauma, tending the exhaustion, all the after death financial and legal stuff, and grieving.
It’s been so much of everything it’s hard to put into words.
I’ve missed you and haven't really figured out how to reenter my writing.
And ---
Here is a returning piece attempting to describe a moment in time that was so precious and heart breaking and sacred. (thank you for the gentle nudge Brian)
A Hair's Breadth
I was a hair’s breadth from my beloved's death.
Living in the liminal and physical realms with him as he quietly dangled in, out, and between.
The last hug Kevin gave me came after a bit of a messy trauma with his body.
Wrapped in warm blankets and tucked into the narrow pale recliner in his room at Hospice house, he settled.
A few moments later he opened his eyes and asked me to come sit with him.
I snuggled into the chair sideways,
my arms wrapped around his neck,
my face on the top of his head,
my lips offering soft kisses.
His arms, long and ropey from weight loss,
wrapped themselves so tightly around my body.
So firm and tenderly he held me, he held me, as I caressed him.
His holding, as I feel it now, was like a transmission of the physical energy left in his body, to my exhausted body --- some part of him knew he would be lying down soon never to get upright again.
That’s what love looked like then.
After getting help to bed that evening he didn’t rise again.
Forty five minutes
his firm grip
offering a solace
A deeply needed gift
I understood only later.
He infused me with the last of his robustness so
I could be what I was for his dying.
This and other gifts bestowed ---
in the act of witnessing,
and with-nessing his dying,
this last exchange of oxygen and carbon,
which we name death ---
are profound teachers for me.
I am slowly gleaning and becoming and wondering how to be with all that has changed and the expanse of the world that is ever widening inside.
Grief, I've found, is living in an in between place, not the before the death world, and not completely in the after death world.
It's a pause between what was, and what is coming. And contains a deeper embodied awareness of the preciousness of each moment in a physical body, and how there is no knowing how long that will be.
Grieving has not been full of presence, it’s often full of absence, although the essence of presence is seeping in bit by bit.
How do I/we hold presence within a deep absence?
One thing I've found---
Kindnesses often brings me to presence even if only for a moment.
Big or teeny (a hand on my back, a hug, a kind clerk, someone gesturing me to go at a 4 way stop, a song sent, a sweet email, an offer to connect, a loving voice on the other end of the phone, a car stopping to let me cross the road, eye contact expressing "I see you"…) brings blinking eyes, streaming rivulets of tears down my face. In those moments I feel it all.
Crying is a love language after all.
One I am very familiar with.
The last days of Kevin’s life keep me company in the darker hours and guide me back to the deepest curiosities around how to walk more tenderly, more compassionately, more fiercely kind, in a world of visible and invisible, soul and human, soil and stars, birth and death, all of creation, and most of all love.
And so life is. This moment in time. This breath.
These hands on the keyboard.
This soon to be pressing send.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for being.
With deep care,