Intimacy, a scary word. Or CPR for living?
/Is it. Scary?
Or what feelings come up
when you let that word drop
down to your gut.
Does it bring
a delighted smile
to your face
or does it make you
shiver and quake?
Like breathing, once again, we are in relationships all of our lives.
Intimacy presses on our chest and has us breathing funny. It takes courage to know it!
When I really committed to intimacy my life changed in big ways.
Hard ways.
Deep intimacy became a divorce.
A big loss.
Through the pain.
Through the fire of seeking an intimacy with myself that I couldn't find while in that partnership, came an unraveling of a pod of four that I loved more than I can say.
It hurt. It had an impact on others.
I carry some remorse for the way it went and the losses for all of us. Loss opens things though and
The intimacy that was stuck inside me, like a shell, got cracked and I found the yolk.
Intimacy poured out. Unsteady and uneven. Still does. But it's here.
And I am glad I know the taste of it.
The pressing on my chest every now and then continues to open my heart.
Breath and beating heart reminds me it's the ticking clock of time.
Time to feel the dewy green grass beneath my bare cool back on a warm summer day.
To feel the earth pulsing in grounded communion.
Casey and I aren't experts on relationship. Or intimacy.
Casey's good at beauty along with our artists; Jess and Karen.
We are good at asking questions and guiding prompts.
We are good at holding spaces to wonder and open and connect!
We are tenders of unraveling and reweaving hearts minds and bodies, including our own.
Yes, part of this post is silly.
And we can be silly too!
Relationshiping towards intimacy is a boat you can choose.
It will press your chest and fill your lungs with air.
If you want to explore it through wonder and muse.
Join us on an intimate FREE zoom cruise! (haha)
Thursday January 20th noon PST. RSVP
To Cultivating Wonder,
P.S. I'm practicing creating videos as a new way to connect. Here is a short one about why me, as in why work with me! HERE it is.
If it calls to you or someone you know you can click HERE to schedule a free conversation!